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Portland Property Management: Crime Prevention for Your Investment Home

Portland Property Management: Crime Prevention for Your Investment Home

It’s smart to think about crime prevention in your rental home. One of the most important things you can do when thinking about crime prevention is to pay attention to your door locks and window locks. If you have sliding patio doors, make sure there is a way to secure them at all times.

In addition to locks, good lighting is also important. It’s a smart idea to install motion sensor lights around the exterior of your property. Lights that turn on using a timer are also excellent when it comes to keeping your property safe and well-lit. We always recommend that you keep your lighting in mind even during vacancies. You don’t want people to get the idea that your house is empty and therefore an easy target for breaking and entering.

Always give your neighbors the contact information for your property manager. The people living next door to your property might be renters or they might be homeowners. It doesn’t really matter because everyone in the neighborhood is interested in keeping it safe and free of crime.

Crime PreventionRemember that tenant screening is a critical part of crime prevention. It’s very important to thoroughly screen the background of every tenant. You want to know about any criminal activities in an applicant’s past. If there were problems in the past, those issues could lead to crime in the neighborhood, vandalism at your property or other different types of criminal activity that no one wants. Make a criminal background check part of your screening process.

With the right locks in place, good exterior lighting and a pro-active approach to tenant screening, you’ll go a long way in keeping your rental property safe and secure and free from crime. If you have any questions or you’d like further recommendations on how to prevent crime in your neighborhood and at your property, please contact us at Jim McNeeley Real Estate and Property Management.
